Welcome to Amber Initiatives
Non-for-profit organisation

Amber Initiatives is a non-for-profit organisation with charitable aims whose European dimension is clearly reflected in every aspect of the structure and activity.

The objectives of the company are:

  • The provision of a high quality information, advice and guidance service, also providing practical support and skills assessment and development of people from disadvantaged background.

  • To facilitate where possible the integration of migrant workers with the host community, promoting social inclusion and community cohesion.

  • To identify both beneficial and problematic issues arising from migration to the UK.

  • To work in partnership with appropriate statutory, private and voluntary agencies to achieve common aims in building inclusive society.

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    Our Local Projects

    Application Form

    Important: After completing, press the "Print PDF" button, save your "Application Form PDF" and then attach it to amber.public@gmail.com

    NOTE: We recommend you to use Google Chrome to fill in this application form. If want to use Mozilla Firefox, you need to install new plugin to print the form in PDF. If you use Safari or Machintosh , you won't have problems, because the PDF service is pre-installed.

    Family Support Programme

    Family Support Programme is has been supported by Plymouth City Council for 4 years.

    Community Safety Programme

    Community Safety Programme is joined project with the Emergency services.

    Learning Mobility Programme:

    Within the programme, Amber offers to all age groups the opportunity to participate in short and long term mobility activity.

    Creativity & Social Initiative Programme:

    Within the programme, Amber Initiatives organises different educational and leisure activities aiming at promoting the development of intercultural understanding.